Most of the times we
have several requirement when we talk about IT environment like designing ,
deployment , compliance check or for Security auditing the environment.
Somewhere during
security auditing we require to provide several information to security team to
get successful audit.
One of them is the
compliance of Virtual machine auditing of creation date and time.
Here into this post we
will explore how to get the creation date and time of virtual machine hosted
into the vCenter or ESXi.
To get the details we
will use VMware Powercli to extract the details.
By default there is no
function added into Powercli to get such details, so here we will add a function
of vm creation date.
Below is the function
which needed to be copy and paste into the Powercli.
function Get-VMCreationTime {
$vms = get-vm
$vmevts = @()
$vmevt = new-object PSObject
foreach ($vm in $vms) {
$foundString = "
Found: "+$" "+$vmevt.createdTime+" "+$vmevt.IPAddress+" "+$vmevt.createdBy
$searchString = "Searching: "+$
$percentComplete = $vmevts.count / $vms.count
* 100
write-progress -activity $foundString -status $searchString -percentcomplete $percentComplete
$evt = get-vievent $vm | sort createdTime | select -first 1
$vmevt = new-object PSObject
$vmevt | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name createdTime -Value $evt.createdTime
$vmevt | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name name -Value $
$vmevt | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name IPAddress -Value $vm.Guest.IPAddress
$vmevt | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name createdBy -Value $evt.UserName
the following lines to retrieve the datastore(s) that each VM is stored on
= get-datastore -VM $vm
= $vm.HardDisks[0].Filename | sed 's/\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/' #faster than
| add-member -type NoteProperty -Name Datastore -Value $datastore
$vmevts += $vmevt
#uncomment this to print out results line by line
$vmevts | sort createdTime
C:\PS>Connect-VIServer -Server -User Administrator
-Password passwd
Name Port
---- ---- 443
Run below command, which
will give you all the VM details into the vCenter for its creation date and
Get-VM | Get-VMcreationTime
This will give the output all the VM’s creation
Happy Sharing … :)