Last week
I got into an issue of one of my client into Vsphere environment where one of
its ESXi went done out of the network. Issue was IP address was showing
on main Esxi screen and when I tried to change the network configuration, its
" Configure Management network option was greyed out.
I tried to gid into it and try to analyis its
vmKernal and vmwarning logs. What I found is its VMkernal switch got removed
due to unexpected reason.
So to
resolve the issue I tried to reconfigure its vswitch0 (vmk0) by going into Tech
Mode of that Exi. Below are the steps which I followed to resolve the issue.
1) Login to ESXi
2) Press F2, Check if you "Configure
Management network" is greyed out or not"
if yes, follow below
if yes, follow below
3) Press ALT+F1 to move the
ESXi screen to tech mode (
This is command line like dos)
4) login with root account
5) Run the following command
into it
6) Type "exit" to exit and Press ALT+F2 to go to yellow screen of
7) Now check again if configure management network is greyed out..
If its still greyed out.
Pls follow below points.
8) Go back to Tech mode Alt+F1
9) Type below command
In IPaddress type your IP, and in netmask type your subnet mask
network ip interface ipv4 set --interface-name=vmk0 --ipv4= --netmask= --type=static
esxcli network ip interface ipv4 set --interface-name=vmk0
--ipv4=192.168.189 netmask= --type=static
IPADDRESS = ESXi ip address
subnet mask = ESXi subnet mask
10) Go back to Yellow screen by ALT+F2 and check if configure
management network is visible now
11) Configure the networking by giving its IPADDRESS, SUBNET MASK,
Thank You!!! Life Saver!! It worked great!