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Showing posts from October, 2018

RAM Disk Full Due To Inodes In ESXi Host

Last week I got into issue where one of my ESXi host was prompting error while creating virtual machine. I verified the task and events of ESXi host and found below error generating while creating Virtual machine "A general system error occured: Failed to open "/var/log/vmware/journel/ for write: There is no space ". While further digging, I identified the ESXi host from where its generating this error from Task and Event section in vCenter. Tried to take SSH of the question ESXi host but its was inaccessible via putty. However, ESXi host was up and running fine. Last option left to access the ESXi host from its management console which is ILO as its ESXi installed on HP server. Also you can try accessing the SSH via other ESXi host or Linux machine using below command ssh -T servername. However, this will not give your prompt but you can type the command to get the output, but that was not giving any luck at that time so we use ILO for further troublesho...

RAM Disk full on ESXi host

Sometime we used to get issue where were are not able to perform vMotion or logging was unable to write under /var/log.. While trying to do some normal things – like vMotion. I noticed an error which states just “A general system error occurred.”  On further investigation, I found that the underlying message was an out of disk space message while trying to proceed with a Storage vMotion. Observations during issue While vMotion   – “A general system error occurred:” While performing Storage vMotion  – “/var/log/vmware/journal/xxxx error writing file. There is no space left on the device.” Steps during troubleshooting Go to Configuration tab on host in vCenter client, go to Security Profile, click Properties link on the Services section. Scroll down to SSH and highlight – click options – click start to start SSH service. Use putty or reflections to ssh to the host. If you get a connection rejected – root filesystem ramdisk is probably full. Go to console ...

Monitoring VCSA & PSC disk partitions from vRop's

In our day to day life we encounter many disk alert issue on different operating system when they move above predefined threshold size. Here, in this article we go through how we can set alert and notification of disk partitions of VCSA and PSC. Here we'll take example of VCSA 6.5 ( Appliance) which has following partitions in Guest OS as mentioned in Fig.1 Figure:1 Here we'll set alert of partitons like /storage/seat , /storage/db, /storage/autodeploy, /storage/log etc.. To start we defined we set of steps. Overall process of creating alert definition are below:   Create a Symptom > Add these symptoms to Alert Definition > Then create a Notification for the Alert Definitions What is Symptom: The symptom sets comprise an expression that is evaluated to determine if an alert should be triggered. To add one or more symptoms from the symptom list to an existing symptom set, drag the symptom from the list to the symptom set. To create a new symptom...