Recently I got an issue where
customer was not able to take snapshot also unable to consolidate the snapshot.
While verifying the snapshot
status of VM in snapshot manager its shows no snapshot available. However,
while accessing the datastore I found 30 snapshot on both the hdd attached to
the VM.
I tried to consolidate the VM
from snapshot manager & from ESXi cli using below command where VIMID is
the VM ID which you can get from vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms(To
get vm id) command
vmsvc/snapshot.removeall VMID
( To consolidate
the snapshot) but it again failed by giving failed status.
Next, I tried to find CID and PID status
of both the HDD connected to virtual machine. You can use below command followed the path of
virtual machine. (i.e /vmfs/volumes/vmname)
for i in `ls -l *.vmdk | grep -v delta | grep -v ctk | grep -v flat
| awk '{print $
$i; done
As mentioned, there are 30 delta
files exist on both the HDD and one first HDD I find CID and PID mismatch where
delta disk 25-30 where having 0000 CID and PID and all later HDD was having
consistent details.
You can verify the disk
consistency by using below command.
Vmkfstools –D /vmfs/volumes/datastore/vmname/disk.vmdk
While verifying the disk
consistency I found disk to be inconsistent. Now whats next ??
Now, I decided to check the vmdk
consistency all from 30 to 1. Later I got I found disk consistency on vmdk 24.
I decided to map the vmdk24 to the VM which is the first HDD and try to
poweron, but unable to poweron.
So, Finally I decided to clone vmdk24
of first hdd of VM where i foud the disk consistent so that all the metadata get saturated and consolidated to
base disk.
You can clone the disk by using
command vmkfstools –I (source disk) (destination disk)
Now, I after cloing the disk tried to add the clone HDD
to the VM and try to poweron. Fortunatly it works. I’m able to poweron the VM
also able to take the snapshot & consolidate.
Happy Sharing… J
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